Heck Yes! #NISM2015

Hold the phone – have you heard about the North Island Sewing Meet Up? Becuase I’m pretty excited and I’m going to be there! Rotorua, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 August, lock it in guys! 

Sewing is, for the most part, a solo sport. And although you can build some great relationships with bloggers and Instagrammers through the powers of the internet nothing beats meeting up with like-minded people in the felsh!

If you’re interested there’s a whole lot more information on the meet up organisers’ blogs – that is Mel from The Curious Kiwi and Sandra of Flossie FT. Or you could jump straight in and sign up here.

Follow the hashtag #NISM2015 on Instagram and Twitter for all the latest info and details. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Slinky Silk Sandpoint Top


I would like to take a moment to welcome summer to New Zealand. We got off to a good start in early December, then things were a bit rocky for a while there but now we are in the full swing of it – beaches, barbecues and a little bit of sunburn. And I know have a new top to add to my summer wardrobe – the Sandpoint Top by Grayday Patterns. As you may remember Helena of Gray All Day blog was the winner of Project Indie, a collaboration between myself and the lovely co-ordinators of the Monthly Stitch blog.


The Sandpoint top is a causual summer-y blouse with a cowl neck back. It is designed to be sewn in knit fabrics, but I’m a bit of a rule breaker so I made mine in a silk crepe de chine that has a fair bit of one-way stretch. I’d always envisioned this pattern as a slinky evening top. Next time I’m thinking more slinking. Black sequins anyone?

I made a couple of alterations to the pattern including omitting the neck band and the waist band to fit with my evening look.




Have you made this pattern yet? I’d love to see yours – send me a link in the comments below 🙂