
At Dresses & Me you’ll find a great blog about all the cool things I’ve sewn and New Zealand’s largest online indie pattern store. I am an amateur seamstress, sewing enthusiast and lover of all bright and beautiful fabric.


The first garment I made was a yellow dress when I was about 14. Looking back it wasn’t the best fit and the skirt was kinda see-through but I was super proud of it and wore it dozens of times! I sewed it using my maternal Grandmother’s Elna Grasshopper (read the blog here). When I was at university (the wilderness years) sewing took a back seat as I prioritised the fine art of staying up all night writing essays that should have been done weeks ago. So when I go my first full-time job (and an income) I couldn’t wait to spend my time doing something I really enjoyed! I hit the ground running and have never looked back! I love to sew! Won’t you join me?

You can also check out an interview with me on Kat’s Blog

The Shop
Dresses & Me is New Zealand largest retailer of By Hand LondonVictory PatternsSimple Sews and Cake Patterns as well as New Zealand’s cheapest provider of Sewaholic Patterns. Isn’t that great?

Dresses & Me aims to provide superb service and friendly, helpful advice for all our customers. If you have any queries about the store, blog or anything at all please contact me and I will do my best to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.

Let’s get social – say hi on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

34 thoughts on “About”

      1. Bingo! I see it…looks great and liking the new range too! Nice one 🙂

        The links on this page called ‘The shop’ and ‘pattern store’ are still going to weebly so they might need a bit of fixing too.

        Thanks for getting back to me!


  1. Hi and thanks so much for stopping by my new blog! I’m still finding my blogging feet so it’s encouraging to hear from other sewing enthusiasts in the blogging community. I love your blog by the way.


  2. Hi, my name is Latrice (Trice) from SewTell. I really enjoy reading your blog.
    I would love to nominate your blog for the Liebster Award.
    However, I need to make sure your blog has less than 200 followers.
    I hope to post about the award by the end of the week. Thanks



    1. Hi Latrice! That’s so nice to hear that you wanted to nominate me, I’m so flattered!! Sadly I do have only just 200 followers. I’ve just been looking at your blog – I love the stuff you’ve been making! Thank you


  3. Hi there, as a subscriber to my blog I’d like to say thank you so much for your support and would like to invite you to participate in my current giveaway (my latest post) – it’s open internationally and you could win £40 fashion store credit plus a cute pair of cubic zirconia earrings! Thanks again and best regards, Dapperdolly

    P.S – I love the name grasshopper!


  4. I knew I had to follow you once I found out you named your machine – love the name too! Mine are all named and I was starting to lose hope that anyone else did also? 🙂


      1. I actually had *red faced* five two moves ago, but when the movers hinted that we might be over weight I relented and handed two over to some dear friends I love. (Only to find out we had plenty of weight left) I know have 3. A regular machine “John David”, yup even a middle name. “Brutus”, my treadle and “Todd”, my serger. It helps when they’re having issues so you can sweet talk them. 😉


  5. Though I have to admit, Sewing is not my thing, how ever, I have read a few of your blogs. I have to say, you have a great writing style and I like it. Plus your presentation. Its good. I will be following from now on, cos I think I could learn somthing here. Thanks for the like on the tea-lights by the way.


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